

Our vision

At Tongsayor, we provide a safe, loving space to assist wherever you are in life. Here, you can be heard while respected, allowing you to be your true self uninhibited. We understand that during challenging times, being vulnerable can be difficult which is why we’re committed to give back by paying it forward.

During a challenging time in Giap’s life, she was given a book by Tony Robbins about his experience as a hungry 12 yr old who received a basket of food on Thanksgiving from a stranger. When he asked the stranger how can he pay them back, the good Samaritan suggested to help another in need when in the right position one day. After reading the book, Giap was enlightened and committed herself to give back; this became the foundation of her life.

This is why at Tongsayor, our goal is to create a community of like minded souls where good deeds can compound for our overall betterment. This idea is embedded in our business model by taking a percentage of our income and putting it towards supporting vulnerable people. When you choose to co-create with Tongsayor, trust that you are also helping someone else in need, therefore, supporting our vision of kindness and generosity.


Our core values are the things we believe are important in the way we live and work

  • NON-JUDGEMENT: We don’t judge others and, most importantly, ourselves.

  • COMMUNICATION: We can find the best possible solution with clear, open communication

  • RESPECT: We respect others and ourselves through compassion, kindness and love


One thing that holds people back is FEAR. Fear of judgment, rejection, failure, etc., but in the words of Lisa Nichols:

If you’re going to fall, fall FORWARD

In speaking her truth, Giap learned that vulnerability is strength and courage, not weakness.